Friday, September 1, 2006

twilight zone

I am in Zurich and holy man is the internet fast (the keyboard is freaking me out, though cuz the exclamation mark eluded me for the last 10 minutes and the z and y have switched places)!

Thank you so much for all your heartfelt replies to my last e-mail. My last three days in Africa were spectacular and my two weeks there have changed me forever. On Monday, a group of us volunteers went to Zambia to visit an orphanage. I played a lot of soccer with some very young lads (and was completely out-classed) and then taught them all the Vulcan sign for Live Long and Prosper (that photo is definitely a keeper!). It was a friggin blast and did a lot to lift my spirits even further!

Tuesday and Wednesday I went on an overnight canoe trip down the Zambezi River with Kath and Lisa and a beautiful man aptly-named Blessed. Now I imagine many of you are wondering what the hell I was thinking going on a canoe (given my penchant for A. sea sickness a.k.a. 'strokes' and B. not being a very good canoeist-as Bon will attest after our Ligurian debacle). But I survived and I was even made captain of my boat (and no it wasn't just me in my boat). And despite me as captain, Kath and I actually made it to our destination. It was absolutely beautiful, as there were hippos (unpredictably) popping out of the water everywhere and elephants crashing near our tent in the middle of the night (and in the morning, for which I was far too exhausted to even think about opening my eyes to witness; the sound of Kath and Lisa enjoying the sight was good enough for me!).

I have just spent the day in Zurich (spending most of my time mesmerized by the Alps) and have actually found my limit in terms of chocolate consumption. Who knew I actually had one!

I fly to Frankfurt and then on to Tunis (for some full-on Star Wars action) tonight! Bring on the Bocce, Aunt Beru, and Mos Espa!!!

Love ya,

To all the Worwickers, congrats on completing the production. Your people rock and don't let anybody tell you different!!

Yes, Dusty I did receive the photos from Autumn. Please thank her for me and congrats on not getting fired.

Omi, how are you doing?????

Jiggles, save all that craziness for our next Noraebang action!

Lee, I hope your mom is doing better. Can't wait to see you! Only two weeks. Now get back to studying, Missy!

Jo, I promise to try to look after myself, but your sister is quite the bad influence!

Faaather, good work winning the 20 bucks. I can always use the slippers!

Mammy, I miss you! Can't wait to see you in Bangkok!!!

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