With the events of Zimbabwe seeming like those of another life (perhaps another galaxy), I have embarked on a Star Wars mission in Tunisia, from which I have only just popped my head up for air, and plan not to give up until I have blue milk in my hand served by Aunt Beru herself. (NB: for those of you not quite on board with the Jedi-speak, I apologise in advance for this e-mail and those to follow until I reach Italy).
Tunis was beautiful and we managed to make our way to the Carthage, the ancient city of the tragic Queen Dido (who killed herself after the Trojan prince Aeneas decided he had better things to do-things like founding Italy-and left her). I do have another theory as to why he left her, cuz if all the statues we found of her are correct, it seems as though she might not have had a head in life!
From Tunis, we journied southwest to an oasis town called Tozeur, to get our first taste of all things Lucas. This came in the form of the actual set of Mos Espa (the town where little Ani slaved for Watto and won his freedom in the podrace). I had the Star Wars theme blasting from the little headphones of my MP3 player as we walked up. I got some wonderful photos with some strategically placed R2, 3PO and Boba Fett PEZZ dispensers! It was friggin' wicked! From there we travelled to the actual Lars Homestead (where now teenage Ani learns of his mother's near death and gets very annoying after he kills all the sand people). As you may have guessed, this was also very wicked! Then off to Star Wars Canyon (where R2 trundled along and got taken by the wee Jawas). Wickedness all around!
We are now in a small town called Douz, and will embark on a two day 4WD camping journey into the Sahara Desert tomorrow.
Love you all and hope you're well.
Jendu Hothu
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